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- immersionED Partners with NVIDIA’s Graphics Delivery Network to Support Launch of Game-Based Learning Software in US Classrooms
- immersionED’s New History Learning Games Offered by Gilder Lehrman Institute, Reaching 4,000 classrooms and 300,000 students
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immersionED Partners with NVIDIA’s Graphics Delivery Network to Support Launch of Game-Based Learning Software in US Classrooms
Press Release immersionED, a leading provider of award-winning learning games for history classrooms, has announced a new partnership with NVIDIA, a leader of the Big Tech segment and the pioneer of GPU-accelerated computing. immersionED will use NVIDIA’s Graphics Delivery Network(GDN) to stream its games to thousands of classrooms this fall and winter. GDN delivers seamless…
immersionED’s New History Learning Games Offered by Gilder Lehrman Institute, Reaching 4,000 classrooms and 300,000 students
When teachers returned to their classrooms in August, the Gilder Lehrman Institute (GLI) had something very special in store for its 90,000 affiliate members. In the August newsletter, GLI shared that its initial offer for affiliates would be free access to the first episode of immersionED’s American Revolution Series, focused on the Boston Massacre. immersionED…